The Princess is using the You Can Read program from 1+1+1=1 so one of her activity trays are the printables from this program. I also have a generic word work tray as well. I have a popcorn game set up, the word puzzles and the tiles for building the words from the You Can Read and The Moffat Girls site has some add on to the You Can Read Program that she sells. One is a freebie which is the word caterpillar. So I have the new sight word 'caterpiller' pieces on that tray as well. What I am finding is The Princess is way ahead of where I am in this program. I plan to do a site word assessment soon to see how many of the 100 high frequency words she knows. I'm guessing she knows at least half. She is already reading number words, color words, CVC words and a few of the sight words. It is amazing to me how she has taken to reading like a fish in water. She has already read through the first three BOB books, the set of beginning Bob readers and a set of decodables from Scholastic.