Well it was hard to complete winter/ snow activities when it was 80 degrees outside. We tried to take advantage of the warm winter weather and spent a lot of the week out side playing. Little Man is having a really rough time getting back into the swing of the tot school routine. I find he is easily distracted and wants to stop to 'play' often like when we first started doing tot school several months ago. Three weeks of no real routine has put us back at the beginning. We also have the Princess home with us now for two of our three tot school days so that has changed things a bit as well because my attention sometimes is divided between two activities/ kids. Little Man turns three this Sunday and I was planning to take a more preschool like route with him but I will have to build up his stamina and attention span again first. I think once we focus more on preschool activites vs. so much sensory play it will be easier to mesh the two kids activities together.
The Little Princess has started reading so we are working on the "You can Read" printables from 1+1+1=1 and we are reading the Bob books as well as some beginning readers from Scholastic books. I am amazed at how fast she is picking up words. Little Man has mastered shapes, and colors, he has a strong sense of counting now (1-12) and can recognized almost all the upper case letters. I am going to start working on him with the lower case (he knows many) and on letter sounds. Here is what we did last week.